Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Australia's Next Top Model Week Four.

This has been my favourite Australia's Next Top Model shoot thus far... by a mile.
The 'Sunday Magazine' shoot.

Montana is major model material and has been my frontrunner favourite from the start.
I am completely and utterly head over heels in love with her shot.
So much so that I think it should be framed and presented in my room somewhere, so step aside Lara Stone!

1. Montana
2. Simone
3. Amelia
4. Yolanda

Rachel, Montana, Izzy and Simone's shots were chosen to feature in the Sunday mag.
I would have rather have seen the four above, but it's close enough.

My top three stands at Montana, Simone and Liz.
Who are your faves?

Source: facebook/australia's next top model.


  1. the first pic is delightful x


  2. Hi sweetie! So, so sorry for not commenting lately...I've just been swamped with so much to do. I have been thinking about your lovely comment these past weeks, and it always brings a smile to my face. The reason I agree with you - our blogs have so much similar material, but still, you often manage to post things that are completely new to me. It makes me so happy whenever I discover something new on your blog :) And thank you so much for adding me to your blog roll! I will definitely return the favour:) We'll talk soon, lovely xoxo

    Ps. I love the Top Model cycles, but so far I have only seen the American seasons. I'll definitely check out the Australian too:)

  3. woman, you speak of a subject close to my heart. and whilst GG is on hiatus at least we have ANTM. so obviously Montana, followed by Yolanda, Liz and Simone. don't know why they gave Jess a hair model haircut though and threw out Caroline!
    and the blue hair is killer! it's having a little rest right now, but next week it's all systems go again.

  4. montana takes the title for sure!!!! this shoot was ridic hott!! the hair and make up - i die! xx


  5. Wow I LOVE the dress Montana is wearing! Does anyone know what brand it is? I would really appreciate any help x

  6. they really are amazing!

    I NEED YOUR HELP! I'm taking part in the bloggers wardrobe competition - please please please vote for me by liking:

    1. http://www.facebook.com/bloggerswardrobe

    2. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=210022279058096&set=a.210019082391749.53433.199739743419683&type=1&theater

    every vote counts! please help me win this!

  7. anon: montana's wearing a jacket by E L L E R Y and ck Calvin Klein heels.
    way too stunning, right. definately would not mind being her right now! x.

  8. Montana is so beautiful!! I can't wait to watch her career after this show.

    Thanks for your lovely comments on my blog :)



Not only do all of your comments mean the world to me, they also give me the opportunity to discover your wonderful blogs along the way, so thank you! big love, x.