I am about to burst with the lust for travelling and exploring new cities.
New York, USA and Stockholm, Sweden have been on the top of my list of places to visit for as long as I can
remember. These city skyline views from Something Navy's Manhattan apartment isn't making it any easier.
1. The view of Seoul from the hotel bed 2. New York City 3. Cherry blossom blooms in Stockholm
4. Morning view from Manhattan apartment 5. Yummy cocktails in jars 6. Waterfalls in Australia
7. Views of Sodermalm, Sweden streets 8. Rainy rainforest roads in LA 9. Bourke Street, Melbourne
city 10. Melbourne skyline from the Eureka Skydeck 11. Bondi, Sydney 12. Peony market blooms
13. Manhattan apartment view 14. Stockholm city street views 15. New York streets and boutiques
16. Melbourne CBD views 17. Malibu beach window lookout 18. A winter Stockholm city view
19. Manhattan street corner 20. A rainy Soho street 21. A beautiful morning Manhattan apartment view
22. Disneyland, Tokyo 23. New York 24. Blissful ocean lookout 25. Waterfalls in Hawaii 26. Soho digs
27. Cherry blossoms on the streets of Soho 28. Magical carousel 29. Yearning to explore NYC 30. A
beautiful Melbourne sunset from the Eureka Skydeck 31. Paris palaces 32. Sunset in Manhattan, NYC.
T A K E M E T H E R E .
// anitacelik, lisaolsson, apairandaspare, eureka_skydeck, angelicablicks, seewantshop, kristeness, mylifeonsundays,
sharonclott, australia, vko______, chloehollywood, thefashionguitar, visitmelbourne, somethingnavy, lobosworth,
vanellimelli, sunnivamclees, peaceloveshea, victoriatornegren \\
Wow!! what a great photography! really I enjoyed it..Thanks for sharing :)